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A.) Foundational Values

What is a foundational value? 

A “foundational value” is a doctrine that we all agree to be essential to a person's salvation and having an eternal life back in GOD’s presence. 


Our 5 Foundational Values are: 

1. the trustworthiness and credibility of the WORD, 

2. that salvation is found through Jesus Christ alone, 

3. repentance of sins, 

4. the public act of Baptism, and 

5. the partaking of Communion. 


These are the “Line in the Sand” issues on which we,  as the church, are unified.


1. The trustworthiness and credibility of the WORD:

The Bible is God's unique revelation to people. It is the inspired Word of God providing an authoritative and trustworthy rule of faith and practice. 

2. Salvation: 

Salvation is found through Jesus Christ alone. Jesus Christ is God's son, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, willingly took upon himself all of our sins, died, and rose again bodily and now is at the right hand of the Father. Jesus will return to consummate history and fulfill the Eternal plan of GOD. Thus, there is no salvation found in anything or anyone other than through Jesus Christ. Salvation cannot be earned through personal goodness or human effort.It is a gift that must be received by humble repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross. 


We are not saved by our works, and we are not saved away from our works. Rather, we are saved by the power and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  When we are saved and become a new creation, When we are saved and becoming a new creation, we should WANT to please GOD, and be motivated by the Holy Spirit--not just do the bare minimum. 


3. Repentance: 

We will have a private confessional space if you feel more at ease talking with your minister 1 on 1 to repent of your sins or you can confess a sin publicly to the congregation. You can choose whatever you are most comfortable with and feel safe enough to do. You must repent for any sins and ask God's forgiveness before you can get baptized or take weekly communion. 


4. Baptism: 

Baptism is a very important step in the life of a Christ-follower. This is not something we do because it saves us, but is an outward sign of an inward change that God has done. Jesus himself modeled this when he was baptized. This is a symbol of our commitment to following GOD’s directions through Jesus. Baptism is a symbolic and public display that you have chosen to follow Christ. 


–Much like a wedding ring, baptism is a visible representation of your commitment to GOD.  Also like a wedding ring is not in itself a marriage, baptism is not in itself our salvation. If baptism is not preceded by true repentance and followed by good works which evidence true faith in GOD, then the baptism means nothing. When we were baptized, we entered into a covenant with God. We promise to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ, always remember Him, keep His commandments, and serve Him to the end.


-Here at The Safe Haven Grace Worship Center, 

We feel Jesus said to baptize. In his final words to his disciples,Jesus said to baptize all nations.Not only did he command them to baptize, he set the example by being baptized himself. Though he had nothing for which to repent, having lived a sinless life– Jesus chose to be baptized by John because it pleased Jehovah GOD, the Father. 


We, as followers of Christ, should always seek to conform ourselves to HIS image and example: by following HIM in obedience by being baptized. If you fully understand the weight of sin and the size of HIS sacrifice for everyone, you should always be asking what CAN you can do for GOD to HONOR HIM —not what is the bare minimum you “HAVE” to do for GOD. 

What are the 5 baptismal vows?

  • To Live among God's faithful people.

  • To Hear the word of God and Share in the Lord's Supper.

  • To Proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed.

  • To Serve all people, following the example of Jesus.

  • To Strive for justice and peace in all the earth.


5. Communion:      

Here at The Safe Haven Grace Worship Center, 

We firmly believe in offering weekly communion to our congregation. Jesus started the tradition of communion. He instructed His followers to use bread and wine to remember the sacrifice He was going to make when He died for our sins on the cross {1 Corinthians 11:23-26}. We feel that everybody sins and we all need to ask God's forgiveness for any weekly sins we have done in between our weekly communion. Do not take the weekly communion lightly!! Pray to God and ask him to forgive anything you are aware of or even to make you aware of anything that is a sin in his eyes–so you can repent and take communion. 

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